Tuesday, July 06, 2010

I'm not a Marxist

But I do play one on the Internet.

An interesting tidbit of information that came from a local newspaper's forums:
According to the US Census Bureau, income for the middle fifth of households has remained basically stagnant since 1998:

(using 2008 dollar figures)

Since 1990, the middle quintile's income is up 5%. By comparison, income for the top quintile is up 33%.

A good question to ask would be, "How does this break down in terms of public vs. private employment?" If public-sector salaries are up more than 5% in the middle quintile, but LESS than 33% in the upper quintile, then one might argue that rather than complaining about how much civil servants make, we should instead be wondering why the private sector's job creators - i.e. the wealthy - have not been paying their employees more.

Just saying.


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