Monday, August 18, 2008

Recently Overheard

"Kirsten, would you be angry at me if, while I was spraying high-pressure water up my nose, I sneezed and got saltwater all over the mirror?"

Backstory: I've come down with a cold, starting about a week ago, that lived in my chest for a few days. Friday and saturday it left me alone, which as it turns out was a ruse: Saturday night watery snot invaded my head as if it were sinus D-Day or something.

I've heard in the past that nasal saline irrigation (read: pouring saltwater into your own head) can help speed your recovery from a sinus infection or cold, so I busted out the turkey baster last night (in the past, I've used a ceramic cow filled with saltwater, but it wasn't nearly as much fun.

So I couldn't stop giggling, and sneezed.

For the record: it seems to have worked, to some degree. After a good night's sleep, I'm feeling much better.


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