Sunday, November 06, 2011

So, Apparently it's NaBloPoMo
Or "National Blog Posting Month," for those of us who can't construct words from abbreviations.

Apparently I've been supposed to have been posting on my weblog every day.

Really? People do this? I mean, people with jobs? Like, the full-time kind? I can barely find the energy to post once a month anymore, let alone daily. Good for those who can, I suppose, but that's not me. I find that all I ever want to do when I finally DO get home from work (and that's been really late the last two weeks) is watch TV, veg out, and sleep.

One of the great things about the Internet is that it allows people to actually publish their thoughts, feelings, bad beatnik poetry, and such on whatever time frame they want. It also allows some of them to start thinking about being journalists, or at least journalist-y. I'm taking a class at WU on the evolution of social media, and one the requirements is a paper - I'm writing mine on the specific protections given to bloggers who claim to be journalists by shield laws. It's an interesting topic, and I might think about maybe intending to publish my paper when I'm done writing it. But it does come back to my real problem with NaBloPoMo, and that is that people who are paid to blog, or paid to report (and are therefore reporters and covered by shield laws regardless of how they publish) can make NaBloPoMo a thing without having to be put out. The rest of us (Chris Hill, I'm looking at you) may not post for decades at a time.

Maybe we should have a NaBloPoCen?


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