Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Anyone Else Notice This?

For some reason, it seems to me that Shakira, when she sings, sounds like she's doing her darndest to swallow her tongue.

Not that I mind, because I'm sure that she has quite attractive a tongue. In fact, if my tongue were half as nice as I imagine hers is, I'd try to keep it all to myself too. I'd probably try to make out with myself. But that's a story for another day. And a therapist. Not you people.

You may recall being a kid and trying to imitate Alvin and the Chipmunks, talking with your tongue way back in your throat. That's Shakira to me. Except she has breasts, obviously.

Anyway, this post is really just a thinly-veiled excuse to embed a video of Shakira shaking what her momma (and God, and her deal with the Antichrist) gave her.

As an aside, did you know she speaks five languages fluently? I can't even pick my nose without causing permanent damage, and God only knows what sort of international disaster I'd cause by trying to sing in Spanish.


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