Monday, June 02, 2008

Moral Judgements are Evil

So, I'm trying hard not to say what it is that I definitely want to say after reading this article on FoxNews.

For those too lazy to click the link, an 8-year-old girl has suffered from several "intestinal performations," more accurately called "holes in her gut," after swallowing a bunch of magnets from a building set.

Let me stop here for a moment.

Folks, babies swallow things. You have to babyproof your house until your child is like three, and I get that. I understand. Some dogs swallow things; they might be mentally unstable (as many dogs are), they might be dumb, they might be attracted to sweet or rubbery flavors. Whatever. I get it.

But if your daughter is eight, she has got to be smart enough to know you don't swallow things in boxes that don't have a fucking Nabisco label.

If your daughter is mentally challenged, then it's your job to make sure she doesn't eat things she shouldn't. I know that's terrible, but that's the burden that comes, sometimes, with having a child. There are children out there who cannot be left alone, and there are adults who cannot be left alone. I get that - the families of those folks have my sympathy.

But unless your child is mentally disabled, or younger than three, she shouldn't be eating the fucking magnets from a box of fucking K'Nex.

I'm sorry that kid's had to have surgery. But the parents suing because they didn't explain to their daughter that some things, like FUCKING METAL BLOCKS, AREN'T FUCKING FOOD?

No. No. No, no, no, a thousand times no.


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