As If
Continuing the Guitar Hero theme from a few days ago (still awesome), I have discovered a hobby that could be both profitable and, in my case, far beyond my own abilities.
Some heavyset dude on the Internet (I assume he has a name, but I'm too lazy to look it up) has created a guide on how to build a Guitar Hero controller from a real guitar body, which seems pretty neat. Chat boards (of course there are GH chat boards) are raving about it ("LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!1!!!!eleven!!!").
Although nameless heavyset guy hasn't really pushed things as far as he can go. After all, he could be selling the things for a few hundred dollars a pop, which is undoubtedly good money if you can get it.
I have to admit I'm a little tempted to try to frankenstein something like that. The circular saw now in my "workshop" (read: basement room that Kirsten is afraid to go into because of the spiders) is a good start, but it's almost tempting to get remarried so's I can register for a router and a soldering iron.
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