Happiest I've Been in Years
Rumor has it that J.J. Abrams will be directing the next Star Trek movie, a prequel that will fit in between the crap that was Enterprise (notable only because it was a vehicle for Scott Bakula to not go bankrupt, and the incredibly tight uniforms on pretty actresses) and the original Star Trek series with Shatner.
First off, J.J. Abrams doesn't suck as a writer or director, unlike all of the folks who have tried to come up with a Star Trek script and direct the movies (with the exception of Wrath of Khan and Generations, Star Trek movies have generally been pretty awful). Secondly, this is a franchise that needs a kick in the pants, sort of how James Bond needs Casino Royale to do well or else people will officially stop caring.
Anyway, the best part is that there might be a decent actor in the bunch: Matt Damon.
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