Monday, February 28, 2005

Well, That's Strange
I joined the other day, merely to keep with my habit of joining fun membership-only websites and then only visiting them like once or twice more.

Anyway, I got friended by a girl from my high school. Mind you, I had heard absolutely nothing out of high school folks, really, since like my sophomore year in college. That's my own fault rather than theirs, since I'm one of those guys who likes to hang out with people, but not to call them on the phone and find out how they're doing.

It's odd. I did a quick search and there are like three people from my high school on thefacebook, and I'm one of them. Why is that? Did I really grow up in such a technologically backwards state that people don't know about hip and happening websites? Or are West Virginians, and Capital High students in general, really normal, and Wash U kids so incredibly coked-up on the newest hip thing that we/they join any old website, as long as it's new?


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