Thursday, March 25, 2004

Giving up the ghost
Most of you readers will remember when FoxNews filed a lawsuit against Al Franken for his book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right, as FoxNews thought that they had successfully trademarked the phrase "fair and balanced," and that people might confuse Al Franken's book with a product of FoxNews Corp (FNC).

FNC eventually lost the lawsuit, because a) the judge in the case never thought that any intelligent person would confuse a comedic book about lying right-wingers and written by a left-wing author with the product of a right-wing news organization, and b) trademarking a three-word phrase that's in common use really oughtn't count at all.

For a while, though the website followed up just about every article with a tagline that read "Click here for a fair and balanced report by (x person)." Perhaps this was a shot back at the judge, or Al Franken, or whoever. But it was there.

In the last two days, however, the pages now end with "Click here for a complete report by Fox News' (x person)."

The difference is fine, but it's there. I guess the Fox lawyers finally figured out that it wasn't worth continuing the charade, and that very few people who read news stories on actually want "fair and balanced" reporting. I mean, let's face it - they want politically-charged drivel, same as the rest of us.

No word yet on whether Donald Trump's application for "You're Fired!" has gone through.


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