Friday, March 21, 2008

No, I'm at Work, I Promise

So, one of the tasks that I've volunteered to take on here at work has been the construction of a photo book of campus - something we could take along on visits and show to people who don't come back often, if they come visit campus at all. It's designed to be cheap enough to leave behind if we absolutely have to (only a couple of bucks each), but decent-looking enough that we don't mind showing it off.

So far, we're doing good. We have an older version it that one of our departments had been using for a couple of years and has been well-received. So this is really based on that, which was done by one of my coworkers. This is just an updated version that's being put together for Arts & Sciences, rather than for the whole university.

Anyway, this mock-up came to my desk the other day and I've passed it around to the other staffers. They've all offered their input, and I'm about to send it back to our public affairs person who, along with her intern, will put it all together.

The best part of it is that I got to put this line in the update request:
"Anything involving pictures of students doing student-type things. More thinky-thinky than drinky-drinky."

The second-best part? I'm hardly really doing anything at all, and yet I'm still going to get credit for how cool this will be when we're done with it.


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