Thursday, February 23, 2006

Warning: Foul Language Ahead *ding!*

So I'm dogsitting for a coworker over the course of a few days this week, and that means that I have to get up rather early (for me, anyway) to get to her house, let the dog out, bring the dog in, and get to work in something that approaches when I'm actually supposed to be there.

Anyway, along the way I have several options for picking up a morning cup of coffee. Besides my apartment, of course; I rarely brew coffee there because a) I don't bake muffins while other people do, and b) I don't wanna mess with the grinder at 7:00 in the morning. I'm likely to end up with finely chopped french roast fingers. However, Bread Co (Panera), McDonald's, and QuikTrip have all been forward-thinking enough to station themselves along my route to my friend's house and then to work. How kind.

I've been to Bread Co in the morning, getting coffee and muffins, and it's a little crowded, but everything moves efficiently and they have that little number doo-floppit that keeps people moving at a nice pace, and keeps fights to a minimum.

McDonald's is cheaper, and has the advantage of having egg and cheese biscuits, which Bread Co is sorely lacking. The drive-through forces you to stay in your place, and the front counter has enough registers that there's not much confusion as to who's next, and where.

QuikTrip, though, is a madhouse. Bedlam. That's what QT is at 8:00 in the morning. Nurses, truckdrivers, police officers, and yours truly all jostling for position because we want to get our french vanilla mocha latte steamer with sugar-free amaretto flavor shots. It's an absolute clusterfuck of bumping, brushing, shoving, pushing, "excuse me, pardon me"ing assgrabbery.

I think I'll go again tomorrow.


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