Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Well, it beats iron rations
I've been sick most of this afternoon and evening - not really sure what it is, but it's related to my sinuses, I'm sure, since they hurt and are draining into my throat. Generally, those are two very good symptoms for sinus trouble. Took myself a Sudafed Sinus, I did, and I'm feeling well enough that I just ate a load of spaghetti.

One of the things we all know about spaghetti is that it's stored dry, in a box. Since the advent of the cardboard box, replacing such great storage devices as the outdoors and lead casks, dry goods sales in this country have skyrocketed. And, as such, rather than making my own noodles, I can go out and buy them. Good thing, too, since I don't have the space for one of those noodle-maker things, and I'm pretty sure my Pla-Doh kits from back home won't work.

Now, one of the things about boxes is that they should be kept sealed or closed. You know, with that little tab thing that says, "Insert into slot?"

You, in Clayton! I hear that giggling, you pervert.

Back on the subject at hand, I very often ignore that insert tab thing (stop it), since the way I figure it, you can just fold the tab underneath the box flap (seriously), and it'll hold just as well.

That may be the case with something like cereal, which very rarely exerts a pressure on the top of the box when you lift the box up, but with spaghetti, you've gotta be careful - you store it on its side, right? So when you pull the box out from the pantry, the noodles inside the box have an intertial moment that forces them to stay where they are, rather than moving in unison with the box - and if you move the box quickly, that spaghetti can stay where it is in space and actually force its way from the moving spaghetti box - just like all of those tablecloth/dishes demonstrations you watched on Mr. Wizard.

I don't know if I cleaned up all of those noodles...there was probably half a pound of them decorating my kitchen floor. But I did manage to eat a little, which was nice - and I got to put some of Mama's Meat Sauce on it.



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