Monday, May 24, 2004

"Truth in Journalism" gone too far?
Normally, I'm all for accurate headlines in newspapers. Very few things cheese me off more than seeing the headline "Lots of naked women coming our way" only to find that the article below actually discusses the merits of a locality's new park system. No mention of nudies in the article itself.*

But sometimes, maybe it's for the best if editors and reporters gloss things over a little bit. The article title below is probably one of those times:
"Las Vegas Officials Worried About City's Foul Stench."

Now, really, couldn't they at least be a little more gentle than that? Couldn't the officials be worried about the "foul odor?" The "poor air quality?" Or even the "gentle stench?" I mean, really, Vegas is a good city. It's got The Strip. It's got the only illegal prostitutes in the state of Nevada. It's got mob ties - so it's not all bad. And yet what do the reporters do? They slam the city because it's got a widdle fwatuwence pwobwem.

Sometimes journalism makes me angry. That's why I read FoxNews.

*example created for the sake of bad humor.


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