Monday, March 30, 2009

Gawd, It's Been a While

So, I recognize that it's been a long time since I made a post (I'm putting up a lot of these apologetic posts over the last few months).

We've been busy in our house. Since I last posted, we've discovered we were pregnant.


Except, and I'll be totally honest here, I'm absolutely terrified. I mean, I was never really around kids when I was...uhm...a...kid....and I honestly have no clue how to relate to them. I remember once, a coworker brought her kids to the Alumni House a few weeks ago, and the oldest - six, or something - wandered down to the phonathon and asked how to draw a butterfly. So I went into this long diatribe about the thorax, the abdomen, the structure of butterfly wings (2 lobes) vs. moth wings (1 lobe), yadda yadda yadda...basically, it ended with "so, the body's three parts?"

Great. Just great. I'm gonna get my kid beat up because I never did (I was too speedy).

Anyway, this post also follows the baby-associated movement of furniture throughout the house. We're ditching a sofa, and we've moved what was formerly the den to the upstairs, the bedroom downstairs, and the office is going to be merged with the library. Losing a sofa means we now have space for a crib, and all the other impedimenta of babyness.

Oh, and a basinet. basinnet. Bassinet. Whatever, charging cradle for the crib-dwelling poop goblin.

And this post is taking like 45 minutes to type because Kirsten borrowed The Office from one of her friends (who, though, I have no idea), and I'm having a hard time typing it out.

The Office is one of those weird shows that I actually have a hard time watching - it hurts me to see people embarrased, you know? Even when it's fake, it hurts. And this is the episode where Dwight is picking healthcare. It's really hard to watch. And yet I somehow find myself sucked in, when I'm trying to put this post together.








Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't be one of those guys that says "we're" pregnant. Only one of you is ACTUALLY pregnant, and I sure as heck hope it isn't you! ;)

P.S. it's been a long time yet a gain since you've posted. Me too, though.

4/12/2009 08:53:00 PM  

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